Tuesday, September 16, 2008

My Blog..... interesting...

Okay. So i have a blog. There is only one problem..... I have no idea how this works! I will even be surprised if this get on my blog. So if you can.... well I don't even know if you can do this... but if you can comment of let me know.... wait who is even going to read this? I am so confused right now..... this is nothing like my sweet M-SPACE!! Man this is weird... I mean do all I do is talk about my self to my self or do you add people of what?? well if we are suppose to just talk about ourselves, I am Haley Mehr... as of august 23, 2008! My husband is Spenser Mehr. We like to sit around and watch tv.... and hum.... eat... and sometime on occasion got see what friends we have! Hum.... We have a Dog and her name is bella.. and she is crazy...

Okay so that was fun talking about me... wow blogging is kinda weird...

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