Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Last night was one of... no not one of... The latest I have stayed up since I have been pregnant. Last night I helped my sister with her student council posters, which we stayed up til 11:30 doing. Now do make fun, I know for some of you out there that is just when you start haveing fun, but i have not stayed up passed 9 since I was eating for one. There was a few times I was up til about 10:30 on some weekend.. haha I am one party AMINAL!! But any ways we did some fun pictures for her posters.

She Can Do IT!!!

The Search Is Over!!

And can You guess Who this is?? on the OFFICE...


Jeff and Amy said...

Those pictures are awesome! I would definetly vote for her! And its not a bad thing to go to bed early while you can- the first couple months after you have the little tike, you'll be wishing you could get some good sleep in! I ate a bowl of cereal and then went to bed early pretty much every night of my pregnancy!

Katelyn said...

Hey girl! I just came acrossed your blog on someones page! I didn't know you and spenser had one until deb said something! Antways it looks way cute!